Tuesday, November 9, 2010

today's stuff

It's amazing how the fog rolls in off of the ocean and into my apartment; it honestly looks like smoke pouring through the windows...quite amazing actually.

Making dinner now, watching the news and going to relax.  Tomorrow is another day of cold calling for my business.  It's bitter sweet starting your own business, especially after you're so accustomed to the corporate world; a guaranteed check and consistency.  However, I get to be my own boss and tap into my true passions of cooking and helping others.  I do love it...I just hope that it works out.  I remember watching the news one night...not so long ago and they were doing a feature on how with today's economic downturn how many people finally started their own businesses who had been laid off and every person they interviewed said if they hadn't been forced into making that leap that they would have never taken the plunge and followed their dreams of starting their own venture...mostly because of comfort level and their perception of stability.  So...wish me luck.  :)

Going to check some emails and finish making my dinner for the night; light a fire and relax.  :)  Not too shabby.  For dinner tonight I'm making grilled swordfish, a baked potato and a salad.  I'm excited...oh and of course some bernaise sauce for my fishy.  :)  Yummy!

For now...more to come tomorrow; I'm thinking already of what recipe to post for tomorrow's blog; along with some more good tips.  Stay tuned!  :)

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